The Versatility of See Too Hoi Siang 藝海揚帆三十匕年

Saturday, November 28, 2015

New Opera Stage fighting class starting on 1-12-2015

Heros and heroins on the opera stage are much appreciated by audiences for all the skills they display. Everyone of us can attain such  skills through training and practising.

New class will be conducted by Miss See Too Hoi Siang, an award winner of The Most Outstanding Person 2001 for Cultural Achievements.
If you are interested,  contact Miss SeeToo Hoi Siang at 96384874 or Kim Seng CC at  62723878.

Classes on every Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Kim Seng CC starting from 1st December 2015
Fees charge: $170.00 (Non Passion Card holder )
                       $160.00 (Passion card holder)

Duration:  10 lessons

戏曲舞台上英雄是在经过努力练习舞台功架和运用把子中而塑造成的。而如今就有机会学习舞台上的常用的把子和功架。导师(司徒海嫦)將在1/12/15 星期二晚7.30pm 十 課学费$170.00 百胜卡会員有折扣地点在金星联络所开課 如有兴趣者可打电話到联络所#62723878 或 手机# 96384874.